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Construction - Electrical Industry Customized Head Contract- Contractor / Principal

Our tailored contract package is designed to meet the unique needs of your business
within your industry. For a one-time fee of $2200.00, you’ll receive a fully customised
contract specific to your sector, along with ongoing advice to ensure you fully understand
and navigate the implications of the contract.
Additionally, gain access to exclusive concessional rates for virtual training sessions
throughout 2025, covering essential topics such as contract concepts, contract
administration, and industry-specific best practices. Each session provides valuable insights
into legal concepts and the effective management of contracts within your industry. You’ll
also have the opportunity to ask questions and learn from others during these interactive

As an added benefit, should you encounter any legal issues while using our contract, we’ll apply a $750 discount to our first invoice.


This portal allows you to purchase standard form contracts used in the construction industry.Once purchased a contract will be yours or your company’s to use.Once you complete the process, the document will be sent to your nominated email address.It’s that easy

Please provide your contact information so we can get in touch if you have any issues receiving a purchased contract.

Please select the sector you wish to buy a contract for below. Once you have provided this information, please select the type of contract you need from the list generated and finally select the party you are (eg. Employer or Employee).